Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Music has always been a very important part of worship at SCBC. The Chancel Choir provides music for most Sunday services.  The primary and most important priority for music is as a part of our worship experience.

A children’s choir sings several times during the year and rehearses on many Sunday mornings prior to Sunday Church School.

Our Ministers of Music are husband and wife team Margaret and Don Kim.  Margaret is an Organist and pianist and demonstrates her mastery of both organ and piano by providing music for services, accompaniment and direction.  Don conducts the Chancel Choir, and children’s choir and is a talented tenor providing leadership and direction.

SCBC is a special place for music.  Professional musicians utilize our sanctuary as a beautiful recital space.  In addition, the church is the host site for several weekday sessions of the Hoff Bartelson music education program.

All are welcome to participate in the SCBC choir on a regular or occasional basis.  There is a place for you in music at SCBC!  Please complete the form below if you are interested in becoming a member of the SCBC Choir.